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If you have any support enquiries, do contact us by click the button below. 

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Text our support line and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


For our client’s quick references for our platform. 


Still have some question?

We support our clients who approached us for our services on web development and digital marketing. our clients are subjected for verification via their company name and email. 


Please note that the support agent retain the right to refuse the provision of support services across all support channels if there was no company name and email provided.  

The Support Services are provided in the following cases:


  • you faced an issue caused by any of the product provided by Dcub3 Pte. Ltd. and need assistance to solve it.
  • you find it difficult to work with the functionality that was provided in the product Dcub3 Pte. Ltd has developed. 
  • you have some pre-sales question and would like to get assistance before purchasing the product. 

  • there is no valid company name and email
  • the support period provided in our package has expire 
  • compatibility issue with a third-party product not included by Dcub3 Pte. Ltd.  

We are available for support from 9.30 AM to 6.30 PM (GMT +8) during business days. 

Support tickets

The average estimated answer time from our support team to a ticket is 72 Hours ( 3 business days). 

The average estimated time from our support team to a chat is 15-20 minutes. 

Usually, it takes up to 2-3 business days to get the common issue resolved. For bug reports, the resolution time might take longer, and the approximated timeframe would be provided by the support agent. 

in some cases, a more detailed investigation is needed, and the support agent will inform you that the solution needs time to be implemented by developers. In this case, the response time will depend on how quickly the developers will provide the needed fix. 



Support ticket