
1. Introduction

This document is a user guide (training or reference), which provide information for using DCUB3 Pte. Ltd. eCommerce platform.


1.1  Purpose and scope

This user guide was made for the convenience of the client for references purposes. In this user guide there would be a step-by-step guide for each individual function of the eCommerce platform. As we developers know how hard it can be to get acquitted with the functions of the platform, we have listed all the individual function down in a convenient way.


1.2  Background

With your recently deployed eCommerce up and running online, it would be advisable to start working on your online eCommerce platform and start building your presence online. However, there would be times where our clients find it difficult to be familiarized with the function. Thus, we have written up a user’s guide for our client to refer back whenever they need to.